API for mongodb - Incanter 2.0 (in development)

by David Edgar Liebke

Full namespace name: incanter.mongodb


A simple library that provides functions for persisting
Incanter data structures using MongoDB.

Use incanter.mongodb in combination with the somnium.congomongo library.
For usage examples, see the Congomongo README at http://github.com/somnium/congomongo,
and the examples/blog/mongodb_datasets.clj file in the Incanter distribution.

Here are Somnium's descriptions of Congomongo's functions:

  (mongo! & args) : Creates a Mongo object and sets the default database.
     Keyword arguments include:
     :host -> defaults to localhost
     :port -> defaults to 27017
     :db   -> defaults to nil (you'll have to set it anyway, might as well do it now.)

  (get-coll coll) : Returns a DBCollection object

  (fetch coll & options) : Fetches objects from a collection. Optional arguments include
   :where  -> takes a query map
   :only   -> takes an array of keys to retrieve
   :as     -> what to return, defaults to :clojure, can also be :json or :mongo
   :from   -> argument type, same options as above
   :one?   -> defaults to false, use fetch-one as a shortcut
   :count? -> defaults to false, use fetch-count as a shortcut

  (fetch-one coll & options) : same as (fetch collection :one? true)

  (fetch-count coll & options) : same as (fetch collection :count? true)

  (insert! coll obj & options) : Inserts a map into collection. Will not overwrite existing maps.
   Takes optional from and to keyword arguments. To insert
   as a side-effect only specify :to as nil.

  (mass-insert! coll objs & options) : Inserts a sequence of maps.

  (update! coll old new & options) : Alters/inserts a map in a collection. Overwrites existing objects.
   The shortcut forms need a map with valid :_id and :_ns fields or
   a collection and a map with a valid :_id field.

  (destroy! coll query-map) : Removes map from collection. Takes a collection name and
    a query map

  (add-index! coll fields & options) : Adds an index on the collection for the specified fields if it does not exist.
    Options include:
    :unique -> defaults to false
    :force  -> defaults to true

  (drop-index! coll fields) : Drops an index on the collection for the specified fields

  (drop-all-indexes! coll) : Drops all indexes from a collection

  (get-indexes coll & options) : Get index information on collection

  (drop-database title) : drops a database from the mongo server

  (set-database title) : atomically alters the current database

  (databases) : List databases on the mongo server

  (collections) : Returns the set of collections stored in the current database

  (drop-collection coll) : Permanently deletes a collection. Use with care.

Public Variables and Functions


Usage: (fetch-dataset & args)
Queries a MongoDB database, accepting the same arguments as
somnium.congomongo/fetch, but returning an Incanter dataset instead
of a sequence of maps.


 (use '(incanter core datasets mongodb))
 (use 'somnium.congomongo)

 ;; first load some sample data
 (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers))
 (view data)

 ;; a MongoDB server must be running on the localhost on the default port
 ;; for the following steps.

 (mongo! :db "mydb")
 (mass-insert! :airline-data (:rows data))

 ;; and then retrieve it
 ;; notice that the retrieved data set has two additional columns,  :_id :_ns
 (view (fetch-dataset :airline-data))



Usage: (insert-dataset mongodb-coll dataset)
Inserts the rows of the Incanter dataset into the given MongoDB collection.


  (use '(incanter core datasets mongodb))
  (use 'somnium.congomongo)

  (def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers))
  (view data)

  ;; a MongoDB server must be running on the localhost on the default port
  ;; for the following steps.

  (mongo! :db "mydb")
  (mass-insert! :airline-data (:rows data))

  ;; notice that the retrieved data set has two additional columns,  :_id :_ns
  (view (fetch-dataset :airline-data))

Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.