Index of Public Functions and Variables - Incanter 2.0 (in development)

This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables in Incanter.



 abs                          function      core               Returns the absolute value of the elements in the...
 acos                         function      core               Returns the arc cosine of the elements in the giv...
 add-box-plot                 macro         charts             Adds an additional box to an existing box-plot, r...
 add-categories               macro         charts             Adds an additional categories to an existing bar-...
 add-column                   function      core               Adds a column, with given values, to a dataset..
 add-derived-column           function      core               This function adds a column to a dataset that is ...
 add-function                 macro         charts             Adds a xy-plot of the given function to the given...
 add-histogram                macro         charts             Adds a histogram to an existing histogram plot, r...
 add-image                    function      charts             Adds an image to the chart at the given coordinat...
 add-latex                    function      latex              Adds an LaTeX equation annotation to the chart at...
 add-latex-subtitle           function      latex              Adds the given LaTeX equation as a subtitle to th...
 add-lines                    macro         charts             Plots lines on the given scatter or line plot (xy...
 add-parametric               macro         charts             Adds a xy-plot of the given parametric function t...
 add-pointer                  function      charts             Adds an arrow annotation to the given chart.  Arg...
 add-points                   macro         charts             Plots points on the given scatter-plot or xy-plot...
 add-polygon                  function      charts             Adds a polygon outline defined by a given coordin...
 add-subtitle                 multimethod   charts             Adds a JFreeChart title object to a chart as a su...
 add-text                     function      charts             Adds a text annotation centered at the given coor...
 aggregate                    function      core               Performs the aggregation of the data in given dat...
 aligned?                     function      zoo                Is the :index column identical for all zs..
 area-chart                   macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing an area-c...
 asin                         function      core               Returns the arc sine of the elements in the given...
 atan                         function      core               Returns the arc tangent of the elements in the gi...
 atan2                        function      core               Returns the atan2 of the elements in the given ma...
 auto-correlation             function      stats              Returns the auto-correlation of x with given lag,...



 ->Beta-rec                   function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 ->Binomial-rec               function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 bar-chart                    macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a bar-ch...
 benford-test                 function      stats              Performs Benford's Law test using chisq-test.  Ar...
 beta                         function      core               Equivalent to R's beta function.  References: h...
 beta-distribution            function      distributions      Returns a Beta distribution that implements the i...
 Beta-rec                     record        distributions      
 bind-columns                 function      core               Returns the matrix resulting from concatenating t...
 bind-rows                    function      core               Returns the matrix resulting from concatenating t...
 binomial-distribution        function      distributions      Returns a Binomial distribution that implements t...
 Binomial-rec                 record        distributions      
 bland-altman-plot            function      charts             Options: :data (default nil) If the :data optio...
 bootstrap                    function      stats              Returns a bootstrap sample of the given statistic...
 box-plot                     macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a box-pl...



 ->ChiSquare-rec              function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 ->Combination                function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 candle-stick-plot            macro         charts             Produces a candle stick chart  Options: :data (...
 categorical-var              function      core               Returns a categorical variable based on the value...
 category-col-summarizer      function      stats              Returns a summarizer function which takes a catego...
 cdf                          function      distributions      A function of the incanter.distribution.Distribut...
 cdf-beta                     function      stats              Returns the Beta cdf of the given value of x. It ...
 cdf-binomial                 function      stats              Returns the Binomial cdf of the given value of x....
 cdf-chisq                    function      stats              Returns the Chi Square cdf of the given value of ...
 cdf-empirical                function      stats              Returns a step-function representing the empirica...
 cdf-exp                      function      stats              Returns the Exponential cdf of the given value of...
 cdf-f                        function      stats              Returns the F-distribution cdf of the given value...
 cdf-gamma                    function      stats              Returns the Gamma cdf for the given value of x. I...
 cdf-neg-binomial             function      stats              Returns the Negative Binomial cdf of the given va...
 cdf-normal                   function      stats              Returns the Normal cdf of the given value, x. It ...
 cdf-poisson                  function      stats              Returns the Poisson cdf of the given value of x. ...
 cdf-t                        function      stats              Returns the Student's t cdf for the given value o...
 cdf-uniform                  function      stats              Returns the Uniform cdf of the given value of x. ...
 cdf-weibull                  function      stats              Returns the Weibull cdf for the given value of x....
 censored-mean-lower          function      censored           Returns the mean of a normal distribution (with m...
 censored-mean-two-sided      function      censored           Returns the mean of a normal distribution (with m...
 censored-mean-upper          function      censored           Returns the mean of a normal distribution (with m...
 censored-variance-lower      function      censored           Returns the variance of a normal distribution (wi...
 censored-variance-two-sided  function      censored           Returns the variance of a normal distribution (wi...
 censored-variance-upper      function      censored           Returns the variance of a normal distribution (wi...
 chebyshev-distance           function      stats              In the limiting case of Lp reaching infinity we ob...
 chisq-distribution           function      distributions      Returns a Chi-square distribution that implements...
 chisq-test                   function      stats              Performs chi-squared contingency table tests and ...
 ChiSquare-rec                record        distributions      
 choose                       function      core               Returns number of k-combinations (each of size k)...
 choose-singletype-col-summarizer function  stats              Takes in a type, and returns a suitable column sum...
 clear-background             function      charts             Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's...
 col-names                    function      core               If given a dataset, it returns its column names. ...
 Combination                  record        distributions      
 combination-distribution     function      distributions      Create a distribution of all the k-sized combinat...
 concordant-pairs             function      stats    
 concordant?                  function      stats              Given two pairs of numbers, checks if they are co...
 condition                    function      core               Returns the two norm condition number, which is m...
 conj-cols                    function      core               Returns a dataset created by merging the given da...
 conj-rows                    function      core               Returns a dataset created by combining the rows o...
 copy                         function      core               Returns a copy of the given matrix..
 coredata                     function      zoo                Return the :rows of a dataset, with :index dissoc...
 correlation                  function      stats              Returns the sample correlation of x and y, or the...
 correlation-linearity-test   function      stats     It...
 correlation-ratio            function      stats      I...
 cos                          function      core               Returns the cosine of the elements in the given m...
 cosine-similarity            function      stats     ht...
 covariance                   function      stats              Returns the sample covariance of x and y.  Exampl...
 cumulative-mean              function      stats              Returns a sequence of cumulative means for the gi...
 cumulative-sum               function      core               Returns a sequence of cumulative sum for the give...



 $data                        dynamic var   core               This variable is bound to a dataset when the with-...
 ->Dataset                    function      core               Positional factory function for class incanter.cor...
 ->DoubleUniform-rec          function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 data-table                   function      core               Creates a javax.swing.JTable given an Incanter dat...
 dataset                      function      core               Returns a map of type incanter.core.dataset const...
 Dataset                      record        core               
 dataset?                     function      core               Determines if obj is of type incanter.core.Dataset...
 decomp-cholesky              function      core               Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the given m...
 decomp-eigenvalue            function      core               Returns the Eigenvalue Decomposition of the given...
 decomp-lu                    function      core               Returns the LU decomposition of the given matrix....
 decomp-qr                    function      core               Returns the QR decomposition of the given matrix....
 decomp-svd                   function      core               Returns the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of...
 defop                        function      infix              Define operators for formula macro.
 deriv                        macro         symbolic           Macro for symbolic differentiation. with 2 args, ...
 deriv*                       function      symbolic           Main sub-function for differentiation. with 2 arg...
 deriv-fn                     macro         symbolic           Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic))  (d...
 deriv-fn*                    function      symbolic           Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic))  (d...
 derivative                   function      optimize           Returns a function that approximates the derivati...
 deshape                      function      core               Returns a dataset where the columns identified by...
 det                          function      core               Returns the determinant of the given matrix. Equi...
 detabulate                   function      stats              Take a contingency table of counts and returns a ...
 diag                         function      core               If given a matrix, diag returns a sequence of its ...
 dice-coefficient             function      stats    
 dice-coefficient-str         function      stats    
 dim                          function      core               Returns a vector with the number of rows and colum...
 discordant-pairs             function      stats    
 Distribution                 protocol      distributions      The distribution protocol defines operations on p...
 div                          function      core               Performs element-by-element division on multiple ...
 DoubleUniform-rec            record        distributions      
 draw                         function      distributions      A function of the incanter.distribution.Distribut...
 dynamic-scatter-plot         macro         charts             Returns an scatter-plot bound to sliders (which t...
 dynamic-xy-plot              macro         charts             Returns an xy-plot bound to sliders (which tend t...



 ->Exponential-rec            function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 euclidean-distance           function      stats      ...
 exp                          function      core               Returns the exponential of the elements in the gi...
 exponential-distribution     function      distributions      Returns a Exponential distribution that implement...
 Exponential-rec              record        distributions      
 extend-line                  function      charts             Add new data set to an exiting series if it alrea...



 $fn                          macro         core               A simple macro used as syntactic sugar for defini...
 ->F                          function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 F                            record        distributions      
 f-distribution               function      distributions      Returns a F-distribution that implements the inca...
 f-test                       function      stats              Test for different variances between 2 samples  A...
 factorial                    function      core               Returns the factorial of k (k must be a positive ...
 fetch-dataset                function      mongodb            Queries a MongoDB database, accepting the same ar...
 formula                      macro         infix              Convert from infix notation to prefix notation.
 function-plot                macro         charts             Returns a xy-plot object of the given function ov...



 $group-by                    function      core               Returns a map of datasets keyed by a query-map co...
 ->Gamma-rec                  function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 gamma                        function      core               Equivalent to R's gamma function.  References: ...
 gamma-coefficient            function      stats    
 gamma-distribution           function      distributions      Returns a Gamma distribution that implements the ...
 Gamma-rec                    record        distributions      
 get-categories               function      core               Given a dataset and one or more column keys, retu...
 get-cell-formula-value       multimethod   excel.cells        Get the value after the evaluating the formula.  S...
 get-cell-value               multimethod   excel.cells        Get the cell value depending on the cell type..
 get-dataset                  function      datasets           Returns the sample dataset associated with the gi...
 get-series                   function      charts             get-series.
 get-workbook-sheet           multimethod   excel.workbook     Retrieve the Excel workbook based on either the in...
 gradient                     function      optimize           Returns a function that calculates a 5-point appr...
 grid-apply                   function      core               Applies the given function f, that accepts two ar...
 group-on                     function      core               Groups the given matrix by the values in the colu...



 half-vectorize               function      core               Returns the half-vectorization (i.e. vech) of the...
 hamming-distance             function      stats      In...
 has-series?                  function      charts             Test to see if a chart has a series name series-la...
 head                         function      core               Returns the head of the dataset. 10 or full datase...
 heat-map                     macro         charts             Usage: (heat-map function x-min x-max y-min y-max...
 hessian                      function      optimize           Returns a function that calculates an approximati...
 histogram                    macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing the hist...



 identity-matrix              function      core               Returns an n-by-n identity matrix.  Examples: (id...
 incomplete-beta              function      core               Returns the non-regularized incomplete beta value...
 indicator                    function      stats              Returns a sequence of ones and zeros, where ones ...
 infix-to-prefix              function      infix              Convert from infix notation to prefix notation.
 insert-dataset               function      mongodb            Inserts the rows of the Incanter dataset into the...
 integer-distribution         function      distributions      Create a uniform distribution over a set of integ...
 integrate                    function      optimize           Integrate a function f from a to b  Examples: (...
 interpolate                  function      interpolation      Builds a function that interpolates given collect...
 interpolate-grid             function      interpolation      Interpolates 2-dimensional grid. Returns function...
 interpolate-parametric       function      interpolation      Builds a parametric function that interpolates gi...



 $join                        function      core               Returns a dataset created by right-joining two da...
 jaccard-distance             function      stats     The Ja...
 jaccard-index                function      stats      The J...



 kendalls-tau                 function      stats    
 kendalls-w                   function      stats     http:/...
 kronecker                    function      core               Returns the Kronecker product of the given argume...
 kurtosis                     function      stats              Returns the kurtosis of the data, x. "Kurtosis is...



 lag                          function      zoo                Return the timeseries lagged by n units or 1 if n...
 latex                        function      latex              Returns the given LaTeX equation rendered as an j...
 lee-distance                 function      stats      In cod...
 length                       function      core               A version of count that works on collections, mat...
 levenshtein-distance         function      stats    
 line-chart                   macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a line-c...
 linear-model                 function      stats              Returns the results of performing a OLS linear re...
 log                          function      core               Returns the natural log of the elements in the gi...
 log-axis                     function      charts             Create a logarithmic axis.  Note: By default, val...
 log10                        function      core               Returns the log base 10 of the elements in the gi...
 log2                         function      core               Returns the log base 2 of the elements in the giv...



 $map                         function      core               This function returns a sequence resulting from m...
 mahalanobis-distance         function      stats              Returns the Mahalanobis distance between x, which...
 make-unique                  function      core               Take a sequence of keywords and make them unique ...
 manhattan-distance           function      stats      ...
 map->Beta-rec                function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Binomial-rec            function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->ChiSquare-rec           function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Combination             function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Dataset                 function      core               Factory function for class incanter.core.Dataset, ...
 map->DoubleUniform-rec       function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Exponential-rec         function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->F                       function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Gamma-rec               function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->NegativeBinomial-rec    function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Normal-rec              function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->Poisson-rec             function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->StudentT-rec            function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 map->UniformInt              function      distributions      Factory function for class incanter.distributions....
 matrix                       function      core               Returns an instance of an incanter.Matrix, which ...
 matrix-map                   function      core               Like clojure.core/map, but will work on matrices ...
 matrix?                      function      core               Test if obj is 'derived' clatrix.core.Matrix.
 mean                         function      distributions      mean.
 mean                         function      stats              Returns the mean of the data, x.  Examples: (me...
 median                       function      stats              Returns the median of the data, x.  Examples: (...
 melt                         function      core               Melt an object into a form suitable for easy cast...
 minkowski-distance           function      stats     h...
 minus                        function      core               Performs element-by-element subtraction on multip...
 mmult                        function      core               Returns the matrix resulting from the matrix mult...
 mult                         function      core               Performs element-by-element multiplication on mul...



 ->NegativeBinomial-rec       function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 ->Normal-rec                 function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 n-grams                      function      stats              Returns a set of the unique n-grams in a string. ...
 ncol                         function      core               Returns the number of columns in the given matrix....
 neg-binomial-distribution    function      distributions      Returns a Negative binomial distribution that imp...
 NegativeBinomial-rec         record        distributions      
 non-linear-model             function      optimize           Determine the nonlinear least-squares estimates o...
 normal-distribution          function      distributions      Returns a Normal distribution that implements the...
 Normal-rec                   record        distributions      
 normalized-kendall-tau-distance function   stats    
 nrow                         function      core               Returns the number of rows in the given matrix. Eq...
 numeric-col-summarizer       function      stats              Returns a summarizer function which takes a purely...



 $order                       function      core               Sorts a dataset by the given columns in either as...
 odds-ratio                   function      stats      Definiti...



 ->Poisson-rec                function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 pairings                     function      stats              Creates pairs by matching a1 with b1, a2 with b2,...
 pairs                        function      stats              Returns unique pairs of a and b where members of ...
 parametric-plot              macro         charts             Returns a xy-plot object of the given parametric ...
 pdf                          function      distributions      A function of the incanter.distribution.Distribut...
 pdf-beta                     function      stats              Returns the Beta pdf of the given value of x. It ...
 pdf-binomial                 function      stats              Returns the Binomial pdf of the given value of x....
 pdf-chisq                    function      stats              Returns the Chi Square pdf of the given value of ...
 pdf-exp                      function      stats              Returns the Exponential pdf of the given value of...
 pdf-f                        function      stats              Returns the F pdf of the given value, x. It will ...
 pdf-gamma                    function      stats              Returns the Gamma pdf for the given value of x. I...
 pdf-neg-binomial             function      stats              Returns the Negative Binomial pdf of the given va...
 pdf-normal                   function      stats              Returns the Normal pdf of the given value, x. It ...
 pdf-poisson                  function      stats              Returns the Poisson pdf of the given value of x. ...
 pdf-t                        function      stats              Returns the Student's t pdf for the given value o...
 pdf-uniform                  function      stats              Returns the Uniform pdf of the given value of x. ...
 pdf-weibull                  function      stats              Returns the Weibull pdf for the given value of x....
 permute                      function      stats              If provided a single argument, returns a permuted...
 pie-chart                    macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a pie-ch...
 plus                         function      core               Performs element-by-element addition on multiple ...
 poisson-distribution         function      distributions      Returns a Poisson distribution that implements th...
 Poisson-rec                  record        distributions      
 pow                          function      core               This is an element-by-element exponent function, ...
 predict                      function      stats              Takes a linear-model and an x value (either a scal...
 principal-components         function      stats              Performs a principal components analysis on the g...
 prod                         function      core               Returns the product of the given sequence..
 product-marginal-test        function      stats              the joint PMF of independent variables is equal to...



 qq-plot                      function      charts             Returns a QQ-Plot object. Use the 'view' function...
 quantile                     function      stats              Returns the quantiles of the data, x. By default ...
 quantile-normal              function      stats              Returns the inverse of the Normal CDF for the giv...
 quantile-t                   function      stats              Returns the inverse of the Student's t CDF for th...
 query-dataset                function      core               Queries the given dataset using the query-map, re...
 query-to-pred                function      core               Given a query-map, it returns a function that acc...
 quit                         function      core               Exits the Clojure shell..



 $rollup                      function      core               Returns a dataset that uses the given summary fun...
 rank                         function      core               Returns the effective numerical matrix rank, whic...
 rank-index                   function      stats              Given a seq, returns a map where the keys are the...
 read-dataset                 function      io                 Returns a dataset read from a file or a URL.  Opt...
 read-dataset                 function      sql                Lazily read a dataset for the given ClojureQL quer...
 read-xls                     multimethod   excel              Read an Excel file into a dataset. Note: cells con...
 regularized-beta             function      core               Returns the regularized incomplete beta value. Eq...
 remove-series                function      charts             Remove an existing series speicified by series-lab...
 rename-cols                  function      core               Rename columns based on col-map of old-col new-co...
 reorder-columns              function      core               Produce a new dataset with the columns in the spe...
 replace-column               function      core               Replaces a column in a dataset with new values..
 roll-apply                   function      zoo                A generic function for applying a function to rol...
 roll-max                     function      zoo                Returns the rolling max of the previous n element...
 roll-mean                    function      zoo                Returns the unweighted mean of the previous n dat...
 roll-median                  function      zoo                Returns the rolling median of the previous n elem...
 roll-min                     function      zoo                Returns the rolling min of the previous n element...
 roulette-wheel               function      distributions      Perform a roulette wheel selection given a list of...



 ->StudentT-rec               function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 safe-div                     function      core               DivideByZero safe alternative to clojures / funct...
 sample                       multimethod   stats              Returns a sample of the given size from the given...
 sample-beta                  function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Beta di...
 sample-binomial              function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Binomia...
 sample-chisq                 function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Chi Squ...
 sample-dirichlet             function      stats              Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts))  ...
 sample-exp                   function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Exponen...
 sample-gamma                 function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Gamma d...
 sample-inv-wishart           function      stats              Returns a p-by-p symmetric distribution drawn fro...
 sample-model-params          function      bayes              Returns a sample of the given size of the paramet...
 sample-multinomial           function      stats              Returns a sequence representing a sample from a m...
 sample-multinomial-params    function      bayes              Returns a sample of multinomial proportion parame...
 sample-mvn                   function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Multiva...
 sample-mvn-params            function      bayes              Returns samples of means (sampled from an mvn dis...
 sample-neg-binomial          function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Negativ...
 sample-normal                function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Normal ...
 sample-permutations          function      stats              If provided a two arguments (n x), it returns a l...
 sample-poisson               function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Poisson...
 sample-proportions           function      bayes              sample-proportions has been renamed sample-multino...
 sample-t                     function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Student...
 sample-uniform               function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Uniform...
 sample-weibull               function      stats              Returns a sample of the given size from a Weibull...
 sample-wishart               function      stats              Returns a p-by-p symmetric distribution drawn fro...
 save                         multimethod   core               Save is a multi-function that is used to write ma...
 save-pdf                     function      pdf                Save a chart object as a pdf document.  Arguments...
 save-svg                     function      svg                Save a chart object as an SVG document.  As with ...
 save-xls                     multimethod   excel              Save a dataset to an Excel file.  Can save in both...
 scalar-abs                   function      stats              Fast absolute value function.
 scatter-plot                 macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a scatte...
 scatter-plot-matrix          function      charts             Returns a JFreeChart object displaying a scatter ...
 sd                           function      stats              Returns the sample standard deviation of the data...
 sel                          multimethod   core               Returns an element or subset of the given matrix,...
 set-alpha                    function      charts             Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's...
 set-axis                     multimethod   charts             Set the selected axis of the chart, returning the...
 set-background-alpha         function      charts             Sets the alpha level (transparency) of the plot's...
 set-background-default       multimethod   charts             Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts dat...
 set-data                     multimethod   core               Examples:  (use '(incanter core charts datasets...
 set-point-size               function      charts             Set the point size of a scatter plot. Use series o...
 set-stroke                   function      charts             Examples: (use '(incanter core charts))  (dot...
 set-stroke-color             function      charts             Examples: (use '(incanter core charts))  (dot...
 set-theme                    function      charts             Changes the chart theme.  Arguments: chart -- a...
 set-theme-bw                 multimethod   charts             Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts da...
 set-title                    function      charts             Sets the main title of the plot, returns the modi...
 set-x-label                  function      charts             Sets the label of the x-axis, returns the modifie...
 set-x-range                  function      charts             Sets the range of the x-axis on the given chart. ...
 set-y-label                  function      charts             Sets the label of the y-axis, returns the modifie...
 set-y-range                  function      charts             Sets the range of the y-axis on the given chart. ...
 simple-ci                    function      stats              Get the confidence interval for the data..
 simple-p-value               function      stats              Returns the p-value for the data contained in coll...
 simple-regression            function      stats              A stripped version of linear-model that returns a ...
 simple-t-test                function      stats              Perform a simple t-test on the data contained in c...
 sin                          function      core               Returns the sine of the elements in the given mat...
 skewness                     function      stats              Returns the skewness of the data, x. "Skewness is...
 slider                       function      charts             Examples: (use '(incanter core stats charts))  ...
 sliders                      macro         charts             Creates one slider control for each of the given ...
 sliders*                     function      charts             sliders*  Examples: (use '(incanter core stats c...
 solve                        function      core               Returns a matrix solution if A is square, least s...
 solve-quadratic              function      core               Returns a vector with the solution to x from the ...
 som-batch-train              function      som                Performs BL-SOM (batch-learning self organizing m...
 sorensen-index               function      stats    
 spearmans-rho                function      stats    
 sq                           function      core               Returns the square of the elements in the given m...
 sqrt                         function      core               Returns the square-root of the elements in the gi...
 square-devs-from-mean        function      stats              takes either a sample or a sample and a precalcula...
 stacked-area-chart           macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing an stack...
 stacked-bar-chart            macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing an stack...
 StudentT-rec                 record        distributions      
 sum                          function      core               Returns the sum of the given sequence..
 sum-of-square-devs-from-mean function      stats              takes either a sample or a sample and a precalcula...
 sum-of-squares               function      core               Returns the sum-of-squares of the given sequence..
 sum-variance-test            function      stats              The variance of the sum of n independent variable...
 summarizable?                function      stats              Takes in a column name (or number) and a dataset. ...
 summarizer-fn                function      stats              Takes in a column (number or name) and a dataset....
 summary                      function      stats              Takes in a dataset. Returns a summary of that dat...
 support                      function      distributions      **** EXPERIMENTAL **** A function of the incanter...
 sweep                        function      stats              Return an array obtained from an input array by s...
 symmetric-matrix             function      core               Returns a symmetric matrix from the given data, w...



 t-distribution               function      distributions      Returns a Student-t distribution that implements ...
 t-test                       function      stats              Argument: x : sample to test  Options: :y (de...
 tabulate                     function      stats              Cross-tabulates the values of the given numeric m...
 tail                         function      core               Returns the tail of the dataset. 10 or full datase...
 tan                          function      core               Returns the tangent of the elements in the given ...
 tanimoto-coefficient         function      stats      The c...
 test-statistic-distribution  function      distributions      Create a distribution of the test-statistic over ...
 time-series-plot             macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a time s...
 to-dataset                   function      core               Returns a dataset containing the given values.  E...
 to-latex                     function      latex              Convert an Incanter Matrix into a string of LaTeX...
 to-list                      multimethod   core               Returns a list-of-lists if the given matrix is tw...
 to-map                       multimethod   core               Takes a dataset or matrix and returns a hash-map ...
 to-matrix                    function      core               Converts a dataset into a matrix. Equivalent to R...
 to-vect                      multimethod   core               Returns a vector-of-vectors if the given matrix i...
 toeplitz                     function      core               Returns the Toeplitz matrix for the given vector,...
 trace                        function      core               Returns the trace of the given matrix.  Reference...
 trace-plot                   function      charts             Returns a trace-plot object, use the 'view' funct...
 trans                        function      core               Returns the transpose of the given matrix. Equiva...
 transform-col                function      core               Apply function f & args to the specified column o...
 truncated-variance           function      censored           Returns the variance of a normal distribution tru...



 ->UniformInt                 function      distributions      Positional factory function for class incanter.dis...
 uniform-distribution         function      distributions      Returns a Uniform distribution that implements th...
 UniformInt                   record        distributions      



 variance                     function      distributions      variance.
 variance                     function      stats              Returns the sample variance of the data, x. Equiv...
 vectorize                    function      core               Returns the vectorization (i.e. vec) of the given...
 view                         multimethod   core               This is a general 'view' function. When given an ...



 $where                       function      core               An alias to (query-dataset (second args) (first a...
 with-data                    macro         core               Binds the given data to $data and executes the bo...
 within                       function      stats              y is within z of x in metric space..
 within-zoo?                  function      zoo                Is t between the first and last indices..



 xy-plot                      macro         charts             Returns a JFreeChart object representing a xy-plo...





 zoo                          function      zoo                Return the given dataset as a zoo value which is ...
 zoo-apply                    function      zoo                Behave as for roll-apply but accept a zoo and a s...
 zoo-row-map                  function      zoo                Accept a number of aligned zoo object and pass th...
 zoo-row-map-                 function      zoo                Accept a number of aligned zoo object and pass th...
 zoo-row-map-occupied         function      zoo                zoo-row-map- and remove the empties. This returns ...



 $                            function      core               An alias to (sel (second args) :cols (first args)...
 $$                           function      zoo                This is the equivalent of :: in xts. That is, it ...
 $=                           macro         core               Formula macro translates from infix to prefix   E...

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Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.