Usage: (interpolate points type & options)
Builds a function that interpolates given collection of points.
points -- collection of points. Each point is a collection [x y].
type -- type of interpolation - :linear, :polynomial, :cubic, :cubic-hermite, :linear-least-squares.
For most cases you should use :cubic or :cubic-hermite - they usually give best results.
Check for brief explanation of each kind.
:boundaries - valid only for :cubic interpolation. Defines boundary condition for cubic spline.
Possible values - :natural and :closed.
Let's S - spline, a- leftmost point, b- rightmost point.
:natural - S''(a) = S''(b) = 0
:closed - S'(a) = S'(b), S''(a) = S''(b) . This type of boundary conditions may be
useful if you want to get periodic or closed curve.
Default value is :natural
:derivatives - valid only for :cubic-hermite. Defines first derivatives for spline.
If not specified derivatives will be approximated from points.
Options for linear least squares:
:basis - type of basis functions. There are 2 built-in bases: chebushev polynomials and b-splines (:polynomial and :b-spline).
You also can supply your own basis. It should be a function that takes x and returns collection [f1(x) f2(x) ... fn(x)].
Example of custom basis of 2 functions (1 and x*x): (interpolate :linear-least-squares :basis (fn [x] [1 (* x x)]))
Default value is :chebyshev
:n - number of functions in basis if you use built-in basis.
Note that if n is greater that number of points then you might get singular matrix and exception.
Default value is 4.
:degree - degree of b-spline if you use :b-spline basis.
Default value is 3.
(def points [[0 0] [1 5] [2 0] [3 5]])
(def linear (interpolate points :linear))
(linear 0) => 0.0
(linear 1) => 5.0
(linear 1.5) => 2.5
; Specify boundary conditions
(interpolate points :cubic :boundaries :closed)
Usage: (interpolate-grid grid type & options)
Interpolates 2-dimensional grid. Returns function f that takes 2 arguments: x and y.
By default function interpolates on [0,1]x[0,1].
grid -- collection of collection of numbers to be interpolated.
If you need to interpolate vectors - interpolate each component by separate interpolator.
type -- type of interpolation. Available: :bilinear, :polynomial, :bicubic, :bicubic-hermite, :b-surface, :linear-least-squares
Common options:
:x-range, :y-range - range of possible x and y.
By default :x-range = [0 1] and :y-range = [0 1]
:b-surface ignores this option and always uses [0, 1] x [0, 1]
:xs, :ys - coordinates of grid points. Size of xs and ys must be consistent with grid size.
If you have grid 4x3 then xs must have size 3 and ys - 4.
Note that (:x-range, :y-range) and (:xs, :ys) both do same job - they specify coordinates of points in grid.
So you should use only one of them or none at all.
Type specific options:
:boundaries - valid only for :cubic interpolation. Defines boundary condition for bicubic spline.
Possible values - :natural and :closed.
Default - :natural. Check documentation of 'interpolate' method for more explanation.
:degree - valid only for :b-spline. Degree of a B-spline. Default 3. Degree will be reduced if there are too few points.
:basis - defines basis for :linear-least-squares. It has 1 predefined basis :polynomial. :polynomial basis
contains functions: (1, x, y, x^2, xy, y^2, x^3, ...)
You can specify how many functions basis contains by using :n option.
You can also specify custom basis. Custom basis is a function that takes 2 arguments - x and y, and returns collection of values.
Example: basis that contains only 2-degree polynomials: (fn [x y] [(* x x) (* x y) (* y y)])
:n - defines how many functions polynomial contains. Example: 1 - basis is (1), 3 - basis is (1, x, y), 5 - basis is (1, x, y, x^2, x*y)
(def grid [[0 1 0]
[1 2 1]
[0 1 0]])
(def interpolator (interpolate-grid grid :bilinear))
(interpolator 0 0) => 0
(interpolator 1/2 1/2) => 2
(interpolator 1/2 1) => 1
(interpolator 1/4 0) => 1/2
; Specify x-range and y-range
(def interpolator (interpolate-grid grid :bilinear :x-range [0 10] :y-range [-5 5]))
(interpolator 0 -5) => 0
(interpolator 5 0) => 2
(interpolator 10 5) => 0
; Specify xs and ys
(def interpolator (interpolate-grid grid :bilinear :xs [0 1 2] :ys [0 10 100]))
(interpolator 0 0) => 0
(interpolator 1 10) => 2
(interpolator 2 100) => 0
Usage: (interpolate-parametric points type & options)
Builds a parametric function that interpolates given collection of points.
Parametric function represents a curve that go through all points. By default domain is [0, 1].
points -- collection of points. Each point either a single value or collection of values.
type -- type of interpolation - :linear, :polynomial, :cubic, :cubic-hermite, :b-spline, :linear-least-squares.
:range -- defines range for parameter t.
Default value is [0, 1]. f(0) = points[0], f(1) = points[n].
:boundaries -- valid only for :cubic interpolation.
Defines boundary condition for cubic spline. Possible values - :natural and :closed.
Let's S - spline, a- leftmost point, b- rightmost point.
:natural - S''(a) = S''(b) = 0
:closed - S'(a) = S'(b), S''(a) = S''(b) . This type of boundary conditions may be useful
if you want to get periodic or closed curve
Default value is :natural
:derivatives - valid only for :cubic-hermite. Defines first derivatives for spline.
If not specified derivatives will be approximated from points.
:degree - valid only for :b-spline. Degree of a B-spline. Default 3. Degree will be reduced if there are too few points.
Options for linear least squares:
See documentation for interpolate function.
(def points [[0 0]
[0 1]
[1 1]
[3 5]
[2 9]])
(def cubic (interpolate-parametric points :cubic))
(cubic 0) => [0.0 0.0]
(cubic 1) => [2.0 9.0]
(cubic 0.5) => [1.0 1.0]
; Specify custom :range
(def cubic (interpolate-parametric points :cubic :range [-10 10]))
(cubic -10) => [0.0 0.0]
(cubic 0) => [1.0 1.0]